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icon bb Farmer Organization Development through Cooperative System Support

1. Non-Formal Education Promotion for Cooperatives and Farmer Groups. CPD in collaboration with Office of the Non-formal Education organized the extra-curriculum for cooperatives and farmer groups to increase the capacity of human resources in the organizations.

2.Allocation of Land and Distribution of the Ownership. CPD has the target to issue the right notification for the land of 2,982,372 rai in 36 land settlement cooperative in 21 provinces to allocate them to cooperatives and farmer groups for agricultural use purpose.

3.Trade Fair Organization in Abroad. CPD organized 8 trade fairs in 7 countries internationally to open new markets and introduce the cooperative products to international customers. The volume of total export valued 118.126 million bath from the markets in china 35.94%, Europe 31.85%, Japan 11.07%, Malaysia 5.97%, USA and Canada 3.59%.

4.Community Leader Development for Agricultural Cooperatives in Thailand. The project was launched in collaboration with JICA to develop vocation group leaders and cooperative staff to strengthen their communities. Project target group of 690 participants countrywide got trained in Thailand and Japan.

5.Debt Reduction for Small Scaled Farmers. The dept reduction took place to help the in-debt small scaled farmers who are no longer capable to settle the outstanding debts. Those who are eligible to the scheme and wish to participate in this scheme have to enroll in the occupation rehabilitating plan owner by Farmer Rehabilitation Development Fund (FRDF). Each half of their outstanding debts will be refinanced by CPD and FRDF.