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icon bb Duties and Responsibilities

The Cooperative Promotion Department (CPD) is responsible for promoting and disseminating the cooperative ideology, principles and methods to cooperative personnel, farmer groups and the public, promoting, supporting and strengthening the cooperative system, improving cooperatives’ learning process to increase the capacity of business management as well as the efficiency of their operation, and encouraging cooperatives to upgrade the business linkages to international levels for better living quality of cooperatives members both socio-economic aspects. The duties include:

1.To abide the Cooperative Act, Land Allocation for Livelihood in Cooperative Land Settlements, and other related laws.
2. To support registration, promotion, advice, supervision of cooperatives and other assignments ordered by the Registrar.
3. To promote, support, develop and protect the cooperative system.
4.To promote, propagate ideology, principles and practices of cooperative to cooperative personnel, farmer groups and the public. 
5. To study, analyze, and conduct researches oriented to effective cooperative development, organizational management, and business operations of cooperatives and farmer groups for economic and social strength.
6. To study, analyze and suggest the guidelines of cooperative development to the National Cooperative Development Board.
7. To study and analyze demand of cooperative products and build the business networks between cooperatives and national and international private sectors.
8. To promote and support finance, information technology, technology, and other resources suitable for operations of cooperatives and farmer groups.
9. To take other actions that are prescribed as authority and function of Cooperative Promotion Department or assigned by Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives or the Cabinet.