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icon bb Loan Procedures

          The initial stages of approval consideration are

1.The applying cooperative submits the loan application along with project proposal and necessary documents to provincial cooperative office in target area.

2.The committee in provincial level considers the completeness and correctness of documents for the priority. In case of incompleteness or mistakes, the cooperatives will be informed to manage them within 7 days or else the applications will be returned to such cooperatives.

            After that, the project proposals with loans maximum 3 million bath, the authorized officers will analyze the feasibility of the project and make comments proposed to the governor if the cooperatives proposing the projects are located in other provinces out of Bangkok, and to Directors of Provincial Cooperative Office Area 1 or Area 2 if the cooperatives are located in Bangkok.

            The project proposals with loans exceeding 3 million bath but maximum 5 million bath will be passed to Director of cooperatives System Management Office. The proposals with limits from 5 – 25 million bath will be passed to Deputy Director General of CPD.